Podcast Roundup
A list of my favourite podcasts covering Traditional Chinese Martial Arts and combat sports.
Most of these podcasts have been mentioned before, I just wanted to collect them in one place. They are presented in alphabetical order.

Tongbeiquan is…
…..based on the movement of a white gibbon, the style emphasizes long, swinging arm techniques, momentum and animal mobility to develop connected power. Form not only equals function but should be created through function. Students train on targets and with sparring partners.

The way of the warrior
In this podcast there was a reminder of the wonderful 1983 BBC series - The Way of the Warrior - which has been uploaded to YouTube.
I watched this series with my father, but can’t say I remember the individual programmes. He bought the book that accompanied the series and I am currently looking for a copy.
The quality of the video compared to modern standards is shocking! Nevertheless, there is so much there worth learning, you just have to push through.

The Taiji Classics
I am a keen podcast listener, and one that I look forward to is The Tai Chi Notebook by martial artist Graham Barlow. His interests cover Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the study of the martial arts. He often interviews fellow practitioners, but on his most recent podcast he was alone and talking about the ‘Tai Chi Classics’. I played this over and over on repeat, and I am sure I will do so again. Listen below or find the podcast in your favourite podcast player.