Steffan Stringer Steffan Stringer


This article should really be titled ‘All the Gear, But no Idea’.

In the seven or so years I have been studying Taiji I have been taught forms using some of the various weapons to be found in the Traditional Chinese Martial Arts (TCMA), including the staff, the sabre, the straight sword and the broad sword. In reality, I have only dabbled, and sadly don’t know any of the forms well enough to teach them at this time. I am hoping to change that over the next few years.

In my typical enthusiasm, I rushed out and bought all the toys, which for the most part sit in my storage cupboard, unused.

The purpose of this article is to help the curious with the the types and names of some of the swords you might encounter in TCMA.

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Steffan Stringer Steffan Stringer


Tongbeiquan is…

…..based on the movement of a white gibbon, the style emphasizes long, swinging arm techniques, momentum and animal mobility to develop connected power. Form not only equals function but should be created through function. Students train on targets and with sparring partners.

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