The Five Element Fists

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Xing Yi Quan Linking Set


This set seeks to use all of the Five Element Fists in one short repeated sequence (typically less than 1’30”)…

  • Pi Quan (Splitting Fist)

  • Zuan Quan (Drilling Fist)

  • Beng Quan (Crushing Fist)

  • Pao Quan (Cannon Fist)

  • Heng Quan (Cross-cut Fist)

There are additional moves and pieces that connect the ‘fists’.

For more detail on the ‘fists’ see my earlier article here Xing Yi - Five Element Fists, but don’t feel obliged to study this material as the linking set can be learned without mastering these fists, and in a way can serve as a useful ‘warm up’ or introduction to them.


  1. Cardinal points are referred to as e.g. N = North, SE = South East etc.

  2. Left is shown as L or (L), Right is shown as R or (R)

  3. Names of moves, postures are capitalised, e.g. ‘Pi Quan’

  4. Generic terms such as ‘punch’ are not capitalised


Part 1, to the West

  1. Start with your feet together at 45 degrees to the left (NW), eyes looking W, knees slightly bent, fists at lower dantian, back of hands down, tigers eyes forward

  2. Looking to the NE, hands open up ‘lifting energy from the ground’ in a big circle. Eyes move with the hands so that when the hands reach the top of the circle, the eyes face NE. Bring the hands down, palms down, in the centre line (‘pulling energy from the stars’) back to the lower dantian with eyes finishing to the W

  3. Upper body is rotated to the W with L fist ‘punching’ the R elbow, R fist raised and forward

  4. Stepping W with the left foot, Pi Quan (Splitting Fist) with the L hand forward, R foot following step

  5. Shuffle forward left foot, punch right hand, Beng Quan (Crushing Fist)

  6. Step back left foot behind (E), uppercut with L fist, Heng Quan (Cross-cut Fist)

  7. Pivot / rotate right leg into horse stance, punch to the W

  8. Withdraw R leg to the E, crossing arms in front of chest, your back is facing N

  9. Step W again with R leg, side on, double back-fist strike

  10. Withdraw R leg to the E, crossing arms in front of chest, your back is facing N

  11. Stepping out W with R leg again punching with the left hand and blocking high with the right hand, Pao Quan (Cannon Fist)

  12. Stepping backwards to the E with the R foot, drop right hand down in hammer fist strike, right forearm glancing off flat open left hand in passing (makes a noise)

  13. Three palm strikes to the face (L, R, L)

  14. Gather, turning clockwise and Pi Quan (Splitting Fist) to the W

  15. Left hand rotates at wrist, pressing forward (more properly a fist) and synchronise stepping forward W with right leg and kicking, scuffing the ground, whilst punching uppercut with R, Zuan Quan (Drilling Fist)

  16. Land in Dragon stance to the W dropping low

  17. Rise and shuffle forward leading with L leg three times alternating punches (R, L, R), Beng Quan (Crushing Fist). R leg stepping in each time close to L leg.

Part 2, repeated, to the East

  1. Gather, turning clockwise and Pi Quan (Splitting Fist) to the E

  2. Shuffle forward left foot to the E, punch right hand, Beng Quan (Crushing Fist)

  3. Step back left foot behind (W), uppercut with L fist, Heng Quan (Cross-cut Fist)

  4. Pivot / rotate right leg into horse stance, punch to the E

  5. Withdraw R leg to the W, crossing arms in front of chest, your back is facing S

  6. Step E again with R leg, side on, double back-fist strike

  7. Withdraw R leg to the W, crossing arms in front of chest, your back is facing S

  8. Stepping out E with R leg again punching with the left hand and blocking high with the right hand, Pao Quan (Cannon Fist)

  9. Stepping backwards to the W with the R foot, drop right hand down in hammer fist strike, right forearm glancing off flat open left hand in passing (makes a noise)

  10. Three palm strikes to the face (L, R, L)

  11. Gather and Pi Quan (Splitting Fist) to the E

  12. Left hand rotates at wrist, pressing forward (more properly a fist) and synchronise stepping forward E with right leg and kicking, scuffing the ground, whilst punching uppercut with R, Zuan Quan (Drilling Fist)

  13. Land in Dragon stance to the E dropping low

  14. Rise and shuffle forward leading with L leg three times alternating punches (R, L, R), Beng Quan (Crushing Fist). R leg stepping in each time close to L leg

  15. Gather, turning clockwise and Pi Quan (Splitting Fist) to the W

  16. Step back left foot behind (W), uppercut with L fist, Heng Quan (Cross-cut Fist)

  17. Weight back on to L foot, R foot passes L foot, then finish with feet together, hands open up ‘lifting energy from the ground’ in a big circle. Eyes move with the hands so that when the hands reach the top of the circle, the eyes face NE. Bring the hands down, palms down, in the centre line (‘pulling energy from the stars’) back to the lower dantian with eyes finishing to the W


  1. Unlike in Tai Chi, the weight of the stance is in the back leg

  2. Punches are all tigers eyes up, mid section, except uppercuts that are tigers eyes to the outside

  3. Rear hand is at the hip for beginners, and may move forward for advanced students

  4. In this version of the sequence I have described the opening and closing moves with ‘big’ gestures suited to e.g. a demo. You may also see it taught with more compact and ‘small’ moves

Last Revised

  • 04-Dec-2024

  • 21-Nov-2024